3rd Annual JL All-Girls Chess Tournament

On Saturday, April 27th, International Chess Academy (ICA) will be hosting the 3rd Annual JL All-Girls Chess Tournament in honor of John Moldovan. It is open to all school-aged girls, and there will be prizes!

All chess materials (boards, clocks, scoresheets) will be provided. In addition, Event Organizers Jessica and Justin Lee will be giving a chess lecture to beginner players from 1:20pm to 1:45pm. Doors open for those attending the lecture at 1:00pm. Doors will open for all other players at 1:45pm.

We will have two sections: an unrated section and a USCF rated section. The first round will start a 2pm and all other rounds will start ASAP. The time control is G/30,d5 (30 minutes per person, with a 5 second delay per person).

Registration will close either on Friday, April 26th at 11:59 pm or when we reach our capacity of 30 people. For any questions, contact organizer Jessica Lee at jessicalinlee06@gmail.com.

The entry fee for the tournament is $10. All proceeds will go towards the John Moldovan Scholarship Essay Contest, which all middle school students, regardless of gender, are eligible for.

To clarify, the essay contest is its own separate event. The deadline for submissions is May 1st. To enter, please submit a 500 word essay to both jessicalinlee06@gmail.com and icanewjersey@gmail.com. This contest is being run by Jessica and Justin Lee because John Moldovan positively impacted their chess experineces through his tournaments and leadership. The topic of the essay is as follows:

John Moldovan was known to have played a supportive role for many young chess players. Consider what chess means to you and share who provided guidance as you progressed in your chess journey.

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