The Triology: January 20, 2024, Glen Rock Quads

Welcome to the Glen Rock Quads featuring a trilogy match between Yefim Treger and Sujia Diao. This past year, these two skilled players faced off in a series of strategic encounters that showcased their expertise on the board. Join us as we explore the dynamics of this intriguing matchup and the notable moments that unfolded during their trilogy match, narrated by Yefim Treger!

Section 1 Report by Yefim Treger

In my third quad in January 2024 the weather was cold, with a very strong wind. Nevertheless I decided to go to the tournament from Brooklyn to fight again with a little girl named Sujia. I expected she would play in a quad since she played all quads this year. This time I chose a very solid variation of Caro-Cann defense and created three chess positions (see the picture) from my game with Sujia where you are asked to answer three questions. The last position of my game below is the lower right position in the picture.

But this was not actually an end of a game since I was short of time and had not written down the moves. In spite of this I decided to play since Black was almost completely paralyzed because of the strong positions of my knight and bishop. The next moves were made in time trouble but I managed to checkmate my opponent.

But before you read the game try to solve the positions in the picture.

Section 5 Report by Advaith Muthu

Hi everyone my name is Advaith, I am 9 years old and today I played my 1st ICA tournament. I got into Quad 5 room 4. The game I would like to show you is from my 1st round.

My opponent originally played Caro-Kann, but changing to the French with 3… c5 and 4…e6 was a bit weird to me but having faced this setup and similar setups before I was confident. 7… f6?1 This seemed a bit weird to me, because now the e6 pawn is backward, so then my next move is 8. Re1! fxe5? 9. Nxe5 Nxe5 10. Rxe5 there is a big weakness on e6. 12… Qxd4?? This move immediately loses to 13. Bg6+! 17… a6? Better was 17… Rg8 or Rh7, because of the continuation in the game 18. Qxg6+ Kd8 19. Qxg7 and Black cannot defend both the Rook and Knight. 28. b5+? This was a mistake on me I thought it was checkmate, but I did not know that my opponent could play what happened in the game 28… Rxc5! I am still winning, but it is more complicated now. 29. Qd4!! I calculated this will lead to mate. 36. Qb3+! Will lead to mate after 36… Ka5. 37 Rc5! Mate.

So this was my 1st ever game ICA Quads, I was the lowest in my section(published rating).

***The ICA Show will return NEXT SUNDAY, January 28th, where our guests will both analyze their matches from the ICA Open, as well as play live matches!***

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