ICA Blog

Read our latest reports on school-related events, from breakthrough performances at tournaments to fun events from our camps!

Welcome to The ICA Show: Dr. Ostfeld Memorial Edition

Our April 21st Dr. Ostfeld Memorial ICA Championships Report is seen through the eyes of The ICA Show: our livestream series which occurs every Sunday at 8pm Eastern!

June 2, 2024, Livingston Scholastic Report

Another month means another Livingston tournament.

When a well-known Substitute comes to town: May 19, 2024, Livingston Quads Report

When the usual Livingston TDs Stephen and Artem had to take this touranment off, see what happened when Alan and Claire took over!

In Memory of Dr. Ostfeld

It is with a great degree of difficulty, and sadness that this is written. The obvious somberness of the subject matter is the reason it has taken so relatively long to write it, and we sincerely hope everyone understands why exactly this is not something one contemplates with any sort of enthusiasm.