Math Classes


Our goal is to promote an environment for the curious mind. Find out why so many parents consistently praise our methods, and why kids are happily engaged in math at ICA.

Our individual and yet inclusive approach to math keeps kids motivated, excited and confident. ICA's math courses are designed to reshape the way children think by encouraging them to become visual thinkers. We teach kids to organize their thoughts in steps just like they must do when playing chess! While Singapore Math stretches the mind, Number Theory challenges with unsolved mysteries, and creative contests and continental math league problems expose students to a wider range of topics associated with ACT and SAT exams.

To put it simply, our instructors are very passionate. Our top instructor, Dr. Natasha Komarov, obtained a PhD in Mathematics from Dartmouth College whilst being trained in early education.

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SUMMER Math Circle with Dr. Komarov (VIRTUAL)

Is your child looking for a different approach to mathematical thinking that will challenge them and teach them valuable reasoning skills? Dr. Komarov will introduce your child to advanced math concepts in an approachable and exciting way.