2015 Freydlins Win Ostfeld Memorial Winter Family Event...

Freydlins Win Ostfeld Memorial Winter Family Event; 
Stripunskys second, Shlionskys, Yigits third!


The Freydlin family, who finished in third place in the previous family event to win free entry into this tournament continued their winning ways and finished in first place this time around.  CJ once again won all four games (this time in section three) to gain first place, while his sister Yael also won first place in section two gaining three-and-a-half for the family total. Their dad Eli competed in section five as well winning one out of four games.  All three once again receive free entry into the next Ostfeld memorial tournament scheduled for March 29th, as well as free entry into any Super Saturday Quads event at our Fair Lawn location.

The Stripunsky family, GM Alexander, and Jane, finished in second place with six-and-a-half points thanks to GM Alexander’s three-and-a-half points in the open section, and Jane’s three points total in section three. Both receive free entry into the Dr Ostfeld Memorial Spring Championships scheduled for March 29th and free entry into any Super Saturday quads competition. 

The Shlionsky family finished in third place on the strength of three wins each for Ahron in the open section, and Akiva in section one.  Aryeh Leib also played in the open section but only managed one win out of four.  All three get free entry into the Dr Ostfeld Memorial Spring Championships. The Yigits, Beril, and Berat also finished with six points as both got three points total in section one and will also receive free entry into the Dr Ostfeld Memorial Spring Championships scheduled for March 29th.

Sixteen families competed during the Dr Ostfeld Memorial Winter Championships.


Visitors: 89