GM Fishbein Lectures On Chess Psychology

GM Fishbein Lectures on Chess Psychology; 
Tica, Flores, Cabasso, and Misko split Prize in 
Record Breaking Thursday Swiss!


In what was our best Thursday Swiss turnout ever sixteen players competed for the one-hundred twenty-eight dollar total prize fund. 

As a prelude to the main event GM Alex Fishbein lectured on the topic of defending losing positions (as well as additional psychological tricks of the trade mostly Grandmasters utilize that he preferred to share only with those players in attendance).  Below you can find a summary of GM Fishbein’s lecture. 

The main event was contested by sixteen players with a whopping twenty-five percent of them (four to be exact) scoring two-and-a-half points and coming in joint first place.  The math added up to (or divided up) thirty-two dollars each for the winners who were Juan Tica, Sergio Flores, Glenn Cabasso, and Mathew Misko. Tica and Flores won their first two games and drew against each other in the deciding round, while Cabasso, and Misko drew each other in the second round and won their first, and third round games.

Congratulations to the winners and see you all next time.


Visitors: 71